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1287403586 dc637733258c50a48ab417593b26b169
Description : For the first time in history Daring! brings a legendary game to life! Backdoor beauties, sweltering rooftops, skanky junkyards shot in the swimmering heat of the valley. Yuri has to face 5 challenging missions involving 5 nasty hot gals... Nothing is impossible in the world of GTA, nice cars, fancy places and only one rule "breaking bones". Experience this fantastic opportunity to see a video game come to life!
Duration : 1hrs, 55mins
Size : AVI = 194MB, 3GP = 144MB

Grand-Theft-Auto_NASiR_1.avi(97.44 MB)

Grand-Theft-Auto_NASiR_2.avi(97.2 MB)

Grand-Theft-Auto_NASiR_1.3gp(72.55 MB)

Grand-Theft-Auto_NASiR_2.3gp(72.35 MB)